Friday brought Sebrina Siegel and Ashley Chasteen to the stage again, a very familiar place for both actresses! I called Ashley two days before we shot and asked her to write a skit for two female actors to be part of the series in a sketch called "Fannie and Lou." Her job was to write about two farmwives who are struggling over a dinner menu to fix for their farmer husbands. I wanted the skit to be filmed on a typical theater stage as opposed to an actual set on location. I knew the lighting would be solid and the environment could be controlled, but mostly liked the idea of making it appear to be part of a stage production. We shot the skit (which is five minutes long) in about an hour and fifteen minutes. Neither Sebrina or Ashley had their lines memorized, but you'd never know it when watching the finished product. Both are tremendously talented and I am appreciative of their dedication to the series. (Photos by Marie Wimsatt)
Aww! I thank you for that! I'm glad it was what you wanted. Can't wait to shoot episode 2!