Who is your target audience?
Everyone! Our program is not limited to any specific age or gender. The show is educational and there is something in it for people of all ages.
How will the mass mailing of Episode 1 work?
In early August we will send out a mass mailing of Episode 1 to residents all over Nelson County. The DVD will be in a unique custom made package called an Eco-Wallet similar to the one shown above. Inside the packet will be coupons from various area businesses as well as a subscription order form and information about the blog (www.thecoulterplough.blogspot.com).
How soon will the series begin outside of Nelson County?
By the end of summer, The Coulter Plough series will be available throughout Nelson and surrounding counties including Washington, Anderson, Spencer, Larue, Hardin, Bullitt, Boyle, and Mercer. By the end of fall, we anticipate the series to have covered much of the state in availability.
I'm not really interested in my business being advertised outside of Nelson County but I still want to advertise in this series.
In our opinion, the more exposure businesses can get, the better for the business. At least that is our theory at Tunnell Mill Pictures, LLC. The Coulter Plough series works much like The Old Farmer's Almanac whose headquarters are in Dublin, N.H., yet businesses from all over the country advertise in it and the Almanac is available all over the nation. Our series will reach people all throughout Nelson County and the series will frequently (but not limited to) feature stories on interesting people and places related to counties outside of Nelson.
Are The Coulter Plough DVD Issues available only by subscription?
No. As each new show is available each month, The Coulter Plough will be available to purchase individually in several local businesses or purchased individually directly from us by sending a check for $11.50 to "Tunnell Mill Pictures, 417 Camptown Road, Bardstown, KY 40004." Please send your contact information and specify which month's program you wish to receive.
Is The Coulter Plough going to be broadcast on television?
No. The unique aspect to The Coulter Plough is that it is available only by subscription and individual sales at select area locations. Just as you would subscribe to a magazine, the same goes for The Coulter Plough. Each month a new DVD will be available to subscribers in the mail and they get the personal opportunity to enjoy their DVD on their own television.
What kinds of segments will I see in the program?
Numerous. Though the series is somewhat "old-fashioned" inspired in theme, the program is extremely modern. We are digging deep into the lives every day people in Nelson and surrounding counties, most of whom have never been on television, and provide quality segments ranging from the everyday home kitchen, home gardens, local sports activities, hunting and fishing, farming and landscaping, artists and musicians, education. This list goes on and on. The Coulter Plough series is for those who have something to say that have never had a chance with broadcast stations before. The series is a membership of good people coming together.
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